Food Safety, Cleanliness, Inspections, and Maintenance that Help Kitchen 212º Run!

Welcome to Kitchen 212º mobile kitchen, where the magic of mouth-watering cuisine meets the pinnacle of cleanliness and safety. Our mobile kitchen and catering business isn't just committed to serving delectable dishes; we're equally dedicated to the highest standards of food, safety, and maintenance. Here, we share some essential tips, tricks, and practices that help us maintain a pristine environment and guarantee safe food handling.

Mastering the Art of Deep Cleaning

Boiling Out the Fryer: Regularly boiling out our fryer is a ritual in our kitchen. This involves filling the fryer with a cleaning solution and heating it to a specific temperature to remove burnt-on oil and food particles. This not only ensures that the food tastes fresh but also extends the life of the cooking oil, making it a smart, economical practice.

Scrubbing the Exterior: The cleanliness of our mobile trailer's exterior is just as important as the interior. A clean exterior not only attracts more customers but also reflects our overall commitment to hygiene. We ensure regular washing and polishing of the exterior, making our mobile kitchen sparkle and inviting from a distance.

Maintaining the Grease Trap: To avoid backups and potential contamination, we regularly clean our grease trap. This not only helps maintain a hygienic kitchen but also prevents unpleasant odors that can deter guests.

Temperature Control and Storage

Temping Foods: We rigorously check the temperatures of our foods, ensuring everything served is safe to eat. Temperature control is crucial in preventing foodborne illnesses, whether it's cooking, cooling, or reheating.

Fridge and Freezer Maintenance: Regular cleaning and organization of the fridge and freezer are crucial. We defrost freezers monthly and clean spills in the fridge immediately to avoid cross-contamination. Keeping the storage units orderly ensures that older products are used before their expiration, reducing waste and maintaining freshness.

Innovative Cleaning Solutions

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Agents: Chef Hamlin prioritizes the use of eco-friendly cleaning products. These agents are effective in eliminating bacteria and other pathogens, but they are also safe for the environment. This approach ensures that we're not just serving safe food, but also contributing positively to our surroundings.

Regular Sanitization of Touch Points: High-touch areas such as service windows, door handles, and payment devices are sanitized frequently throughout each shift. This practice is crucial, especially in a mobile setting where space is limited and surfaces are often close to food preparation areas.

Advanced Food Handling Techniques

Color-Coded Cutting Boards and Utensils: To prevent cross-contamination, we use color-coded cutting boards and utensils. For instance, red for meats, green for vegetables, and blue for seafood. This not only helps in maintaining hygiene but also streamlines the cooking process, making it faster and safer.

Vacuum Sealing for Freshness: We use vacuum sealing to extend the shelf life of ingredients without sacrificing quality. This technique reduces the amount of air in contact with the food, which helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria and mold.

Propane Safety and Generator Maintenance

Regular Propane System Checks: Given that our kitchen operates largely on propane, regular checks of the propane system are critical. This includes inspecting tanks, hoses, and connections for leaks or wear. We use a soap solution test to detect any propane leaks: a method where soap is applied to the gas connections and hoses; the presence of bubbles indicates a leak.

Regular Generator Service Checks: We schedule regular maintenance checks for our generator according to the manufacturer's guidelines. This typically includes changing the oil, replacing air and fuel filters, and checking the coolant levels. Regular maintenance helps prevent breakdowns and extends the lifespan of the generator.

Emergency Backup Plan: In case of generator failure, we have a contingency plan that includes backup power options like a second generator or battery packs. This ensures that our operations can continue smoothly without interruption, providing reliability to our customers and staff.

Ventilation and Placement: Proper ventilation and placement are critical to ensure safe operation of the generator. We ensure that the generator is placed in a well-ventilated area to prevent carbon monoxide buildup and positioned to keep noise and exhaust away from dining and food preparation areas.

Fire Safety & Health Inspections and Protocols

Annual Fire Inspections: We schedule annual inspections with the local fire department to ensure that all fire safety measures in our truck meet the required standards. These inspections include checking the functionality of fire extinguishers, suppression systems, and escape routes.

Routine Health Inspections: Our mobile kitchen undergoes regular health inspections by local authorities to ensure compliance with food safety regulations. These inspections assess everything from food handling and storage practices to overall kitchen cleanliness and staff hygiene.

Self-Inspections and Checklists: To prepare for unexpected health inspections and ensure continuous compliance, we conduct self-inspections using detailed checklists based on local health department criteria. This proactive approach helps us identify and rectify any issues before they become a problem.

Maintaining the Towing Vehicle

Regular Maintenance Schedule: We adhere to a strict maintenance schedule for our towing truck, which includes regular oil changes, brake checks, tire rotations, and inspections of the suspension and transmission systems. These routine services help prevent mechanical failures and ensure the vehicle is always in top condition.

Emergency Equipment: Our truck is equipped with emergency roadside equipment including spare tires, hydraulic jacks, tool kits, and road safety signs. These are essential for handling unexpected situations on the road, such as flat tires or mechanical issues.

Weight Distribution and Load Securing: We pay close attention to how the trailer’s weight is distributed and ensure that it is within the towing capacity of the truck. Proper load distribution is crucial for safe driving and prolongs the life of both the truck and the trailer. Additionally, we ensure that all equipment within the trailer is securely fastened to prevent shifts that could affect handling.

Regular Cleaning and Upkeep: Just like our mobile kitchen, the appearance and cleanliness of our towing truck are important. It is regularly washed and detailed, reflecting the professionalism and quality of our brand.

At Kitchen 212º the journey toward excellence in culinary delights is paved with stringent adherence to safety protocols. From propane safety tests and rigorous fire inspections to thorough health checks and towing upkeep, our commitment to safety is as integral as our passion for cooking. We ensure that every meal not only captivates your taste buds but is prepared in a safe, clean, and compliant environment. Join us with confidence, knowing that every aspect of our operation meets or exceeds the highest safety standards.


Catering Tips and Tricks


The Ultimate Guide to Kitchen 212º Food Truck & Mobile Kitchen