Embracing Sustainability Towards a Greener Future

In the bustling world of catering and food trucks, where the aroma of freshly cooked meals fills the air, and the sound of sizzling flattops and fryers accompanies the laughter and chatter of delighted customers, our business has embarked on a meaningful journey towards sustainability. As lovers of food and the environment, we're committed to reducing our ecological footprint, one event at a time. This commitment is not just a part of our business ethos; it's a reflection of our responsibility towards Mother Earth and future generations.

Our Pledge to Sustainability

Sustainability is a broad term, encompassing various practices and philosophies aimed at maintaining the health of our planet. For us, it means making conscious decisions that reduce waste, conserve resources, and promote biodiversity, all while delivering the delicious and high-quality food our customers have come to expect. Our journey is ongoing, but we are proud of the steps we have taken so far and excited about the path that lies ahead.

Eco-friendly Disposables: A Small Change with a Big Impact

One of the most visible changes we've made in our quest for sustainability is the switch to eco-friendly disposables. From forks made of biodegradable materials to recyclable paper plates and compostable napkins, every item we use for serving our food is chosen with the environment in mind. These disposables break down much faster than their plastic counterparts, reducing landfill waste and the release of harmful chemicals into the environment. The transition wasn't just about swapping out materials; it was about embracing a philosophy that aligns with our values. We understand that every disposable item we hand out has a life cycle, and by choosing eco-friendly options, we're ensuring that this life cycle has the least possible impact on the planet. It's a simple change, but one that speaks volumes about our commitment to the environment.

Beyond Disposables: Our Comprehensive Approach to Sustainability

Our commitment to sustainability extends far beyond the choice of disposables. We source ingredients from local farmers and suppliers whenever possible, reducing our carbon footprint associated with transportation and supporting the local economy. Seasonal menus not only allow us to serve the freshest and tastiest food but also minimize our environmental impact by utilizing ingredients that are abundant and require less intensive farming practices. Energy efficiency is another key aspect of our sustainability efforts. Our food trucks and catering equipment are optimized for low energy consumption, from energy-efficient cooking appliances to LED lighting. We also practice comprehensive waste management, including composting waste and recycling, to minimize our contribution to landfills.

A Shared Journey

Sustainability is not a journey we can undertake alone. It requires the support and participation of our customers, suppliers, and the community. We encourage our customers to think green, whether it's by returning our compostable containers to designated bins or choosing vegetarian options from our menu. Our suppliers are carefully selected based on their sustainability practices, ensuring that every aspect of our supply chain contributes to our environmental goals.

Looking Ahead

As we look to the future, we're excited about the opportunities to further our sustainability efforts. Whether it's exploring zero-waste cooking techniques or sourcing new eco-friendly catering equipment, we’re committed to finding new and innovative ways to reduce our environmental footprint. Sustainability is more than just a buzzword for us; it's a way of life. Through our commitment to eco-friendly disposables and beyond, we're not just serving delicious meals; we're nurturing the planet that provides them. Join us on this journey towards a greener future, one bite at a time as we help take your event the extra degree.


Elevate Your Next Catering Event the Extra Degree


Thriving Together: The Journey of a Husband and Wife in the Catering and Food Truck Business